Portsmouth to Brighton

It was an exciting and early start today, not that either of us had slept much. Alarm went off at 05:30. The first part of the morning felt like any morning when we set off for a weekend away. Coffee, moan about it being too early, start engine, slip the lines and set off. But this time WAS different. This time we were not coming back to Fareham. This was the start of what we had been discussing and working towards forever - and we both had to scars to prove it!
It was a miserable day, raining and overcast but we didn’t care. Anyway it is the UK - we were used to it.
We left the mooring at 06h09 and got to Portsmouth Harbour at 06:45. I was thrilled to find that the wind had died down and the sea looked calm. So off we set. Deux went so well. The water got a little choppy as we approached Brighton but it was a good trip over. A little over 6 hours and I even got a little snooze in. Until Patrick tapped me on the leg to wake me - Dolphins. How special!
We got to Brighton Marina at about 12h00. I do keep a log so perhaps I should check it and be more specific. We called up the marina office to confirm our arrival and to ask where our mooring would be. They responded by asking if we were the gentleman’s yacht coming into the marina? I don’t think we have had a gentleman on this boat for years, but we still responded “yes we are”!
It was an easy mooring. We tied up, paid for shore power, unpacked a few bits that we had stowed away. We plan to leave for Eastbourne tomorrow, so we called and made a booking for 12h30. We then decided to stretch our legs and have a look around. It is a huge marina with a large number of clean toilet/shower facilities and also a laundrette. Surprise surprise to find ourselves in a pub/cocktail bar. Then it was back to the boat for dinner on board, shower and a very welcome early night.