We did it ... we are on our way

After more than 8 years of restoration, planning (and some playing) we finally said our goodbyes to Fareham and our mooring at Portsmouth Marine Engineering and started our trip.

Well sort of…. In true boating life style, the weather and/or tides never want to agree with your plan. We had hoped to leave this morning at 05h30 to catch the tide and get to Brighton early afternoon. However, the wind was predicted to gust to 42knots and this was not the way we wanted to start out new life. So we motored for about 10 minutes to the next marina and moored up there overnight as the wind was expected to die down.
So it felt like we had started our trip. Also it was 10 minutes closer to Portsmouth Harbour mouth and most importantly we got to spend the evening with our good friends for ANOTHER goodbye evening.
We called it a night early enough to be considered sensible and after a few tears we climbed aboard our boat and tried to get some sleep.
They were not joking about the gusting 42knots, never mind the rain!